How Long Does A Tan Last?

How long does a tan last? Well, the answer depends on if you have a natural tan or one from a sunbed. For either case, you can expect a range of about a week, with variations from that estimate since your skin changes constantly. What is important to remember is that a tan lasts only… Continue reading How Long Does A Tan Last?

Categorized as Skin

Do Schools Allow Hair Dye?

Do schools allow hair dye? Well, it depends. Schools in different districts and different countries have different rules regarding their dress codes: A lot of the time, schools will allow students to express themselves in terms of hairstyles. However there are instances of schools banning hair that is deemed “unnatural,” “unusual,” or even “distracting” by… Continue reading Do Schools Allow Hair Dye?

Categorized as Hair

Will Waxing Remove My Sunbed Tan?

Will waxing remove my sunbed tan? You might be asking yourself this question if you’ve recently gotten a tan and are planning on getting waxed soon. The short answer to this question is that if you’re using a high-quality wax that does not irritate or excessively pull at the skin, then you shouldn’t have a… Continue reading Will Waxing Remove My Sunbed Tan?

Categorized as Skin

Why Does Tanned Skin Look Better?

Why does tanned skin look better? It is hard to ignore the fact that the celebrities most praised for their beauty also have an enviable tan. C’mon: have you seen Jessica Alba lately? Eva Longoria? Any of the Kardashians? Let’s face it: most folk love a good tan on themselves, but that doesn’t answer the… Continue reading Why Does Tanned Skin Look Better?

Categorized as Skin

Why Do Guys Like Tanned Skin?

Why do guys like tanned skin? Well, there is no easy answer to this question. There have been tons of studies done in the near past that have led to conflicting results. From what we currently know, not everyone finds tanned skin to be the epitome of beauty; likewise, not everyone has a preference for… Continue reading Why Do Guys Like Tanned Skin?

Categorized as Skin